Stase Michaels Interpretation: The possibility that dreams may contain ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) fascinates most people and brings up the question, “Can dreams really foretell the future?” Experience suggests they can. To some, that claim may sound like mysticism or mumbo-jumbo, and, for a lucky few, a dream about the future may indeed catapult them into a realm from “the beyond.” However, there are also ways to examine glimpses about the future in dreams, in a logical fashion. Here are several ways that ESP in dreams may come about.
REASON 1: A NON-MYSTERIOUS EXPLANATION OF ESP IN DREAMS. In my experience, most dreams that relate to the future are “best guesses” about a question or a decision that is on your mind. Since the future is built on today’s decisions, one way to think about ESP in dreams is that your dreams have the ability to reveal what path your current decisions are taking. For example, suppose you throw a ball down a hill. It is easy to guess whether the ball will hit a shrub, bounce on a boulder, or land in the stream. In the same way, your psyche, the part of your mind that is aware of all your decisions, lines up at the top of the hill and makes a best guess about where your decisions are heading. Such a best guess is accurate—if and only if—you remain on your current course.
REASON 2: FATE AND THE DIVINE HAND. A less common type of ESP dream emerges from the soul or from the divine hand. This form of ESP dream sends shivers up your spine because it defies logic as it predicts what is beyond. J. B. Rhine, a modern researcher of paranormal phenomena, logged a famous example. He described how, years ago, a handful of children in a Welsh mining village pre-dreamed that their school would collapse under an avalanche. Several days later, the event happened.
REASON 3: YOU PRE-DREAM EVERYTHING OF IMPORTANCE. In the same vein, Virginia Beach’s famed mystic, Edgar Cayce, suggested that you pre-dream everything of importance that happens to you. Such dreams about the future that your soul portrays, may best be explained by what Shakespeare’s Hamlet said to Horatio: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Some things are yet beyond our ken.