Dream About reaping

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- In former times, the whole community took part in the reaping (gathering) of the harvest. This ensured that everybody gained in some way from this activity. Nowadays, to dream of reaping suggests a way of gaining from our activities.

2- The saying ‘as ye sow; so shall ye reap’ can be interpreted as if we do good deeds, then thai good will be returned. When we dream of reaping a reward for something we have clone, we approve of our own activities. More negatively; a harmful act will return to haunt us.

3- The Grim Reaper - Death is always pictured as carrying a scythe.

The scythe is the association with reaping.

Nancy Wagaman Interpretation

Reaping or harvesting something (such as produce or a crop) can represent: The results of work or effort.

The “effect” part of “cause and effect.” The idea of justice or getting what you deserve.

The idea of karma, or of “receiving back what you give” in life.

See also: Grim Reaper; Farming; Fruit; Result

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: The saying ‘as ye sow, so shall ye reap’ can be interpreted as – if we do good deeds, then that good will be returned. When we dream of reaping a reward for something we have done, we approve of our own activities. More negatively, a harmful act will return to haunt us.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: In former times, the whole community took part in the reaping (gathering) of the harvest. This ensured that everybody gained in some way from this activity. Nowadays, to dream of reaping suggests a way of gaining from our activities.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

The scythe was an ancient symbol for harvesting – gathering in.

The grim reaper – death – is always pictured as carrying a scythe.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

Harvest time, i.E. One reaps what they sow, whether it be good or bad; good works grow blessing, and vice versa; see “planting”

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Opportunity to realize the value of my fertile imagination by collecting the results of some ideas that I previously planted