Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation: 1. A return to infantile pleasures, getting attention.
2. “Things” are coming apart—often emotional, sometimes in life experiences (a rattling sound of a vehicle or machine).
3. The end or “demise” of a project or situation (as in “death rattle”).
4. Feelings of having had a close call, avoided danger—often emotional, frequently a bad situation (to see or hear a rattlesnake).
To a young woman, it augurs an early marriage and tender cares of her own.
To give a baby a rattle, denotes unfortunate investments.
However, an oinoy- ing and/or unidemifiable rattle in a motor or anything else portends a number of small worries.
To dream of simply seeing a rattle, or if you gave one to a baby, foretells unfortunate investments. However, if you watched a baby play with a rattle in your dream, this signifies tranquility and contentment in the home.
Dreams of a rattle, whether this is a snake rattle or a baby rattle, signify that you should proceed with caution. Your spirit guides may be trying to get you to pay attention.
There is a similar portent if a man has this dream.
Ability to draw my attention to a situation that is not progressing as smoothly as it should without being too concerned about it
(ceremonial) represents an aid to getting in touch with one’s inner strength and inherent abilities
(toy) will pertain to something one amuses self with and usually indicates insignificance