It indicates that a very good and good work will be done in business life, that while this work is progressing very well, you will be exposed to a situation that will cause trouble, you will be in a difficult situation, you will enter a new decision-making process and you will be hit repeatedly because of an established partnership.
If a warm and gentle rain falls in the sea in a dream, it means that the person who sees the dream receives good and good news that will add joy to his pleasure, joy to his joy, and happiness to his happiness. To see that the weather suddenly gets cold and it rains while swimming in the sea, and therefore you have to get out of the sea, indicates encountering situations that will cause frustration while having positive expectations.
The dream, which indicates that the person will achieve every wish, is a good cause. It is a statement that you will rise in your job, increase your goods, set fertile tables in your home, step into a richer life for the poor, and that all kinds of luck will smile on one's face. It indicates that the person who gets rid of his troubles will have a great spiritual relief, his family will have better days and his opportunities will increase.