myjellybean Interpretation:
To dream that you are in purgatory signifies confusion, troubles, scandal, and worries. You may not be seeing things the way they really are or you may have lost your sense of direction in life.
Purification, cleansing. Examining negative programs and thoughts that have been limiting your growth.
A portent of sickness and travel, but not necessarily to yourself.
ancestors being in: the unhealthy daydreams of a mire-clogged brain.
others: abundant means are temporary, combined with deceitful ambition.
relatives: good luck to one for whom you care through others’ generosity.
being sent to: wil travel a long distance to assume your dignity.
of: where you wish those you disagree with would end up.
reflects reparations; self-analyzation and serious introspection followed by deeds that balance one’s negative actions