Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- When a present appears in a dream, it can first of all be a play- on words. We arc being given a ‘here and now’. We are being reminded to live in the moment, and not the past or future.
A present can also indicate a talent or gift.
If we are receiving a present we are being loved and recognised and are also gaining from the relationship.
If we are giving a present, we appreciate that we have characteristics we are able lo offer other people.
A pile of presents in a dream can signify as yet unrecognised talents and skills.
If the presents give some indication of time - e.g. birthday presents we may cxpcct some success around that time.
2- To present something in a dream {as in making a presentation) is offering work that we have done for approval and recognition. We appreciate that the work we have done is more important than we ourselves are.
3- One of the requirements of spiritual advancement is that we learn to live in the present. We need to be able to take advantage of anything that life presents - to use it for ourselves, but also to recognise that it has relevance to other people and can affect the way that they live.
A present can also indicate a talent or gift.
If we are receiving a present we are being loved and recognized and are also gaining from the relationship.
If we are giving a present, we appreciate that we have characteristics we are able to offer other people.
A pile of presents in a dream can signify as yet unrecognized talents and skills.
If the presents give some indication of time – e.G. Birthday presents – we may expect some success around that time.
One of the requirements of spiritual advancement is that we learn to live in the present (literally the pre-sent). We need to be able to take advantage of anything that life offers us – to use it for ourselves, but also to recognize that it has relevance for other people and can affect the way that they live.
Psychological / emotional perspective: To present something in a dream (as in making a presentation) is offering work that we have done for approval and recognition. We appreciate that the work we have done is more important than we ourselves are.