Dream About postures movements body language

Tony Crisp Interpretation:

The aim of the questions is to draw out information about the symbol being explored. If it is a known person or object you are in the role of—your father, for instance—the replies to the questions need to be answered from the point of view of what happened in the dream, rather than as in real life. Listen to what you are saying about yourself as the dream symbol, and when your questioners have finished, review your statements to see if you can see how they refer to your life and yourself. If you are asking the questions, even if you have ideas regarding the dream, do not attempt to interpret. Put your ideas into simple questions the dreamer can respond to. Maintain a sense of curiosity and attempt to understand—to make the dream plain in an everyday language sense. Lead the dreamer toward seeing what the dream means through the questions. When you have exhausted your questions ask the dreamer to summarize what they have gathered from their replies. See for an example of how to work with body movement to explore a dream meaning; peer dream work.