Garuda Interpretation: Symbol: A pillar is a symbol of the tree of life, as well as the axis of the universe. It gives support to a structure and provides stability.
Vision: Seeing one or more pillars in your dream: you are very popular because people can depend on you. Also, when you are in trouble, you can always depend on support and help from others. Seeing a broken pillar: a friend is abandoning you when you need help the most.
If you are hoisting a pillar: you have accomplished something entirely by yourself, which is attracting people who will support you in the future.
See Pole.
Depth Psychology: If die dream is not a sign of hidden sexual desires, die pillar is either a testament to the solid and strong foundation on which you have built your life, or it indicates the support you will receive in a difficult situation.
If the pillar is falling, you will face conflicts and no support from others.
The dream may also ask if you are as rigid as ua pillar of salt”? And if so why? See Salt.
2- Pillars mostly indicate a sort of support, so to become aware of supporting pillars indicates that the structure that we have given our lives may need some attention. Esoterically. for there to be two pillars in a dream highlights the difference between the masculine and the feminine.
The left pillar represents the feminine, and is often seen as being black.
The right is masculine, and is seen in dreams as white.
3- The contrast between spiritual and material power is seen as two pillars in dreams.
The left pillar represents the feminine, and is often seen as being black.
The right is masculine, and is seen in dreams as white.
Material aspects: One symbolism of a pillar is phallic, but another one is probably more accurate. We are able to create stability and to stand firm in the presence of difficulty. In dreams, to find that we are a pillar of the community suggests that we should be taking more responsibility for our actions.
Dreams of a pillar signify that you are identifying your role model, leader, hero, belief systems or -concepts that upholds the temple of your life. Also, this dream represents someone something in your life that is strong, sturdy, and dependable.
Psychological / emotional perspective: Pillars mostly indicate a sort of support, so to become aware of supporting pillars indicates that the structure that we have given our lives may need some attention.
To see pillars in your dream symbolizes strength and hard work. You may be feeling burdened or drained from having to work so hard to support others.
A symbol of responsibility, support, and strength, Jer. 1:18. Pillars are also elders or mature Christians, Gal. 2:9
2. Important Person;
3. People of foundational truths;1 Tim. 3:15; Song 5:15; Job 9:6.
Strength, support, leadership; independence and ability to stand firm in your beliefs and inner truths.
Support. According to Freud, a phallic symbol.
See “column”
leader (see Deuteronomy 31:15; 2 Chronicles 3:17; 23:13; Psalm 144:12; Galatians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:15; Revelation 3:12); leaders or strong people in God’s church (see Galatians 2:9); he who overcomes (see Revelation 3:12); he who carries the name of God; leader (see Nehemiah 9:12).
Ability to staunchly support fundamental aspects of my character development that may initially seem above and beyond me
(exemplary) illustrates a model example of a specific character This may also warn against revering another
(post) See pile
Yes, the Freudians would probably claim that a dream of a pillar (upright or broken, leaning or completely demolished) is concerned with sexuality; it is certainly one of the archetypal phallic symbols, and it is probably fair to suggest that whether you are male or female you should consider this attribution first. But there are other connotations. It is not by accident that sculptors and architects have shaped pillars to emphasise their likeness to trees, and there is the symbolism of the pillar as a support to consider: what was it supporting, was it doing so strongly or weakly and what is the parallel in your waking life, with yourself either as the supporting pillar or the fabric it is trying to hold up? In the latter case, what does it represent?