Dream About pilgrim pilgrimage

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- When we are undertaking a pilgrimage in a dream we are recognising the purposeful, directed side of our personality. We have a goal in life, which may require faith to achieve.

2- A pilgrim can often represent the hermit or Wise Old Man (see Introduction) within. That part of our personality which is secure and may not need much input from others has the ability to direct our lives provided we create the correct circumstances.

3- A seeker of Spirituality must always undertake a journey of some kind. This is often represented by a pilgrimage to a holy place.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: A pilgrim can often represent the hermit or wise old man within. That part of our personality that is secure and may not need much input from others has the ability to direct our lives, provided we create the correct circumstances.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: When we are undertaking a pilgrimage in a dream we are recognizing the purposeful, directed side of our personality. We have a goal in life, which may require faith to achieve.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

A seeker of spirituality must always undertake a journey of some kind. This is often represented in dreams by a pilgrimage to a holy place of any denomination.