Klaus Vollmar Interpretation: If you receive money, you are receiving energy.
If you have to give money, energy is lost. Always make sure that you pay attention to the direction of the flow of energy: where it is coming from and where it is flowing to. Of course, in addition to the symbolic meaning, this dream might also represent an actual financial situation that might cause apprehension.
See the chapter “Numbers in Dreams.”
2. Provision;
3. Payment for Labour;
4. Jesus’ sacrifice for sin; Mark 10:39-30; Gal. 6:7; Luke 11:4.
A loose check sitting on top of a desk with your name on it, from someone you’re acquainted with shows potential money earnings with them as a close affiliate. Other aspects such as what happened, who was inside of the room, and what other sort of material around ' denoted will also be beneficial. Expect a windfall in any regard.
Ability to declare the full significance of my creative talents so I can have my value completely accepted by other people