Dream About paralysis while asleep or trying to wake

Tony Crisp Interpretation:

In a nutshell, the world of the OBE is created by the concepts of the “dreamer.” This world is experienced as physically real, in a similar way to the world of dreams. Yet it is neither a dream in the usual sense, nor a dream in which the person is highly lucid. There is a different quality about it than either dreaming or lucidity. The difference is that during an OBE the physical world can also be experienced and witnessed. So in trying to analyze events during an OBE, we must discover what aspects are created out of unconsciously held concepts, and what are witnessed physical world events or objects. Whatever the answer, this view of the OBE suggests there is no need for a person to travel to a site, or to have a silver cord—or, in fact, any sort of body at all. What emerges is that consciousness can at certain times completely go beyond the limitations of space, location, and time that we usually accept. For instance, it is very real for us to accept that if we wish to personally experience the streets of Tokyo or New York we will have to transport our body to those locations. If we go to New York we cannot at the same time experience Tokyo. With an OBE these rules do not apply. Consciousness does not have to travel. See for an explanation of this; altered states of consciousness; rebirth, resurrection under archetypes; ghost; hallucinations, hallucinogens.