Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- When we dream of old things, we are touching into the past and perhaps need to bring some kind of knowledge forward, so that we can make use of it in the present day.
Dreaming of historical figures usually means we are aware of the qualities that those people possessed. Perhaps we need to develop those qualities within ourselves.
2- Old people in dreams tend to suggest traditional thought or wisdom arising from experience (see People). We may also need to consider our attitude to death. Old buildings can signify a past way of life which we thought we had left behind. Antiques will often represent elements of our past experience which might be worth keeping.
3- The Wise Old Man (see Introduction) is a part of ourselves which is not always consciously available to us.
An old man appearing in our dreams puts us in touch with this part of ourselves.
He can also represent our feelings about time and death.
The past; the different lives we have lived— baby, youth, lover, parent, provider, what is established and well-worn; tradition and wisdom of folklore. Old building: past way of life; former life with family or another person. Old people: wisdom; mother or father; past experience; traditions; old age or feelings about aging; death. Old things or furniture: past or outworn ways of life or activities. ancient Usually suggests contact with parts of our being older than the development of the conscious self, such as cellular wisdom; life processes; accepted traditions or ways of life; wisdom of the unconscious.