Dream About numbness

Dr. Mıchael Lennox Interpretation:

There is information in all sensation. To be without sensation is to be blocking some form of nonverbal communication about the potential danger in a situation. You may be blocking painful feelings by making yourself numb to them. This may or may not be a good idea, for sometimes blocking pain is a good way of getting through a very difficult circumstance. Consider where you are feeling numb and ask yourself what you might be feeling or sensing if this part of you weren’t numbed off.

James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation

Being unable to relate to feelings in the physical body while dreaming may indicate that the dreamer has been in a state of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, in which the body is temporarily unable to move. Alternatively, this experience may indicate that the incident being dreamed about was too emotionally numbing for the dreamer to feel.

Patrica Telesco Interpretation

(see Paralyzation)

A situational dream that comes from sleeping awkwardly on a body part. Avoiding emotions by turning them off.

Experiencing so great a shock that the reality of a situation doesn’t immediately sink in, leaving you feeling numb and out of touch.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. A good omen for business and activities.

2. Possible health or physical issues.

3. A feeling of loss, cut off from energy and life force—usually emotionally, sometimes socially.

4. Avoid­ance of difficult or painful situations.

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation

Feeling numb probably means you have repressed some strong emotion because it was too shocking for you to entertain it in your conscious mind.

Gustavus Hindman Miller Interpretation

To dream that you feel a numbness creeping over you, in your dreams, is a sign of illness, and disquieting conditions

Internet Archive - Anonymous Interpretation

To dream that you feel Numb is generally a matter of physical health; it is not an omen in itself. Consult a doctor.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Opportunity to get my passion and vitality flowing again so I can understand how I feel about a particular situation

Mary Summer Interpretation

warns of a self-induced state of emotional or men tal selectivity; a willful ignorance or insensitivity

Common Source

Being numb in a dream implies that you are feeling uneasy and anxious about a situation. If you dream of being numb it means that you seem to be scared of new changes in your life.