If you dreamed of not being able to reach the burial: You will be able to plan more easily in the future, the details are very important, do not skip it. Not being able to reach a burial in a dream means that the dreamer is a stingy and jealous person, if he sees that he found a burial but could not reach it. It indicates that the dreamer does not help the needy and does not give zakat. If a person who cannot reach the treasure in the dream is a scholar, he does not share his knowledge with anyone, he is stingy.
It indicates that a person who sees that he finds a burial but cannot reach it in a dream is stingy. It is understood that he did not give zakat to anyone and did not help people. If the person who cannot reach the treasure in the dream is a knowledgeable person, he will be stingy with his knowledge. If he is a member of the state, he tortures those under his command.