Alison Davies Interpretation:
Generally, nightmares come from a range of emotions, including anxiety, guilt, confusion and stress. If you are going through a tough time in your life, then you’re more susceptible to this type of dream. Depression is another cause, but while stress is a major factor, other things can trigger these types of emotionally charged dreams. Eating late at night, consuming too much caffeine and even certain medications all produce nightmares. If you continue to be plagued by the same dream and it’s affecting how you feel in your waking life, then try and change the narrative. You can do this by bringing the dream scenario to mind, but instead of letting it play out in a negative way, change the ending so that it becomes positive – in other words, the monster turns out to be friendly and only wants to play. Repeat the positive version of the narrative every day, running through it in your mind and over time the original nightmare will dissipate.