If you have dreamed of more than one funeral in the dream: It is useful to keep your thoughts a secret, you can be involved in different programs in the evening. Seeing more than one funeral in a dream indicates that the place where the person who dreams of lives has turned into a sin pit, and that the corpses are placed in a certain place indicates that good deeds are not done in that region. In this case, seeing more than one funeral is not a very auspicious dream. At the same time, if a person sees that he is carrying one of these funerals in his dream, it is judged that he will not do good deeds and will be a sinner and harm people.
If you see more than one funeral in your dream, it is not interpreted as goodness or goodness. Putting these burials in a certain place indicates that that region is a sinful place and that good deeds are not done in that region. In this case, seeing more than one funeral is not a very auspicious dream. At the same time, if a person sees that he is carrying one of these funerals in his dream, it indicates that he will not do very good deeds and will commit sins as the owner of haram property.