Dream About mouth jaw lips tongue

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: The mouth represents the devouring, demanding aspects of yourself; it can also signify your need to communicate about something that is upsetting you.

If the mouth is open, this may represent your receptive side, as in mouth-watering. On the other hand, perhaps too much has been said and it is time to close your mouth—in other words shut up. A dream of your mouth being buttoned or sewed up can again suggest regret over what has been said or done.

If you dream that you are chewing, it might suggest that you are mulling over, or considering, something.

If you are pulling something out of your mouth, perhaps you need to clear the air by expressing your feelings, or do you have a nasty taste in the mouth?

To see your own tongue in your dream signifies self-expression. Have you said too much or do you need to say more? If you rip someone’s tongue out in a dream, this means that you are extremely upset by what someone has said in waking life but have been unable to express your anger. To dream of your own jaw in your dream represents your stubbornness, determination and forcefulness.

If your jaws are tight, this could suggest unexpressed anger and other powerful feelings that you are holding back.

If lips appear in your dream, this is associated with sensuality, sex, love and romance, as well as communication, as in ‘read my lips’.