Dream About money handbag jewelry purse wallet

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Money, cash or coins in dreams are often thought to be a sign of emotional transactions.

If you give money away, this suggests a generosity of spirit or it might reflect emotional ties that are expected of you at present. Receiving money can suggest the acceptance of emotional support or the emotional needs of the dreamer. Borrowing money can be a warning to hold back as far as financial plans are concerned and to explore all aspects of the deal before going ahead. Making a payment, signing a check or using a credit card are thought to be positive signs that things are going to plan. The notion of saving and investing in dreams may refer to the need to prepare yourself emotionally for situations and relationships that need your attention

A wallet, purse or pocketbook containing personal items may relate to your private world, the kind of person you are and your interests.

If you dream of an expensive designer purse or bag, you may feel a need to have a more glamorous image. A worn purse may symbolize feelings of being worn out and shabby. Do you need to brighten up your identity so that you look and feel brighter? Your dream wallet may symbolize your private thoughts and desires, hidden from public view. Is your wallet full or empty? Are you worried that someone has got too close to you or on the contrary are you seeking greater intimacy? A bag in your dream may symbolically carry your hopes for the future. A heavy bag suggests more projects than you can handle, whilst an empty bag—far from meaning that you have no hope—suggests that you wish to search for new ideas. Frequently associated with fruit, a basket may evoke images of fertility and sexuality. Depending on what is in the basket, it can suggest youthful energy or ripe maturity.

Finally, items of jewelry are symbols of wishes and wish-fulfillment.

If you are given a gift of jewelry in your dream, you may be experiencing a sense of recognition in waking life. Viewing a rare jewel from a distance may be a sign that you have failed to understand the importance or meaning of an event or relationship. Losing a jewel may reflect fears of personal or financial loss in waking life.