Dream About minor arcana
Dreampedia Interpretation:
- Ace: New starts, new business idea, rush of energy.
- Two: Planning for the future, anxiety, working partnership.
- Three: Business success, leading a group.
- Four: House move, success.
- Five: Trouble and strife, especially petty fighting.
- Six: Public success, recognition.
- Seven: Fighting for your vision, competition.
- Eight: Communications, quick movement.
- Nine: Last-minute problems, self-protection.
- Ten: Success which brings many burdens.
- Page: News of work or business, new interests.
- Knight: Travel and action, a red or fair-haired youth.
- Queen: A business-like or active woman, a red or fair-haired woman.
- King: An active and influential man, a red or fair-haired man.
- Ace: A message of love, the start of a romance, doing something for love, creativity.
- Two: A happy relationship or partnership.
- Three: Partying and celebrating.
- Four: Boredom and apathy, the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.
- Five: Depression and regret.
- Six: Simple joys, something or someone from the past.
- Seven: Confusion, too many choices, dreams and illusions.
- Eight: Leaving something behind, change of lifestyle.
- Nine: Dreams come true.
- Ten: Good luck and happiness, satisfaction.
- Page: A new friendship, news of something or someone dear to your heart.
- Knight: A proposal or invitation, a good-natured, brown-haired youth with light eyes.
- Queen: An intuitive woman, a kindly brown-haired woman with light eyes.
- King: A gentle man, a healer, a good advisor, a good-natured, brown-haired man with light eyes.
Suit of Swords
- Ace: Crisis point, success through difficulties.
- Two: Sitting on the fence, balance, waiting.
- Three: Anxiety, unhappiness, separation.
- Four: Rest, hospital, withdrawal.
- Five: Fighting for the wrong things, arguments, being forced to recognize your limitations.
- Six: Moving away from troubles.
- Seven: Deception, theft, non-confrontation.
- Eight: Feeling trapped, standstill, restrictions.
- Nine: Anxiety, worries, mental anguish.
- Ten: Misfortune and endings, failure.
- Page: Spying, email or telephone call, brash new idea.
- Knight: Upsetting changes, arguments, a dark-haired youth with gray eyes.
- Queen: A widow, an unscrupulous woman, a dark-haired woman with gray eyes.
- King: An ambitious and authoritative man, a lawyer or doctor, a dark-haired man with gray eyes.
- Ace: Money and security, health.
- Two: Juggling time and money, cautiousness.
- Three: New job or work, success in work.
- Four: Success but unwillingness to move forward or change.
- Five: Ill health, financial losses, loss of self-esteem.
- Six: Receiving and giving help, financial or otherwise.
- Seven: Making adjustments in your plans and being prepared to do the hard work.
- Eight: New job, studies, working with a hobby.
- Nine: Success from your own efforts, security.
- Ten: Money and property, the countryside, inheritance.
- Page: News about money or a job, study for a job.
- Knight: Cautious person working towards a goal, a dark-haired youth with dark eyes.
- Queen: Self-confident and practical woman, a dark-haired woman with dark eyes.
- King: An honest and practical man, a dark-haired man with dark eyes.