If you saw a minaret on the street it is in in a dream: Some anxiety-provoking situations may come up in the emotional field, you should be after turning your certain talents into profitable businesses. To see a minaret on the street in your dream indicates that a great scholar will come to your place and people will benefit from the knowledge of this scholar. This dream can also be interpreted to meet an important person and to be blessed with his blessing. If the minaret is gone from the street, it indicates that people will not know the value of the scholar and will regret it. Seeing the minaret in his neighborhood destroyed is interpreted as the death of this great person.
A very great person comes to the place where the person who sees a mosque minaret in his own neighborhood and street in his dream. This dream can also be interpreted to meet an important person and to be blessed with his blessing. The fact that the minaret is gone from the street indicates that people do not know the value of this great personality, and that they cannot receive the necessary help because they do not understand his value. Seeing the minaret in his neighborhood destroyed is interpreted as the death of this great person.