Dream About mill mill wheel mill stone

Garuda Interpretation: Vision: Dreaming about a mill: your income will improve, your projects are making good progress, and vour future will be a happy one. Watching the wheel turning at a mill: you will win something.

If the wheel is not moving: a specific project is coming to a stand-still.

A broken wheel stands for old problems. illnesses, or the death of a person close to you. Having a mill stone around vour neck: trv to resolve a difficult situation as soon as possible.

See Burden, Log, Luggage.

Depth Psychology: The mill is a symbol of your need for safety and your fear of not accomplishing your goals, or—even worse—of being ground into dust by the “wheel of the mill.” The dream might also suggest dealing with old attitudes and convictions (grind them up), or that emotional conflicts are turning around and around in you head like the wheel of the mill.