Dream About midnight

Martha Clarke Interpretation:

Midnight represents the most intense moment that our unconscious can live. For this reason, throughout history, it has been a symbolic time when the characters in horror stories (witches, vampires, ghosts, etc.) meet. These frightening figures are merely representations of our darkest aspects, so, logically, they reach their peak in the central hour of the night. (See WITCH, DEMON, and FAIRY) 

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

Dreams of the bewitching hour signify that you are feeling between worlds as you transform from one phase of your life to the next. At midnight, the veil between worlds is thin, as well as the veil between your conscious mind and unconscious mind.

See Twelve.

Tyler Wolfe Interpretation

A reminder to thank and praise God continually, Ps. 119:62.

The middle of the night can also be a call to pray and stand on guard against spiritual enemies

Vincent Wienand Interpretation

1. The darkest hour;

2. Death;

3. End of the second watch;

4. Ask, seek, and knock;

5. Decision time Ps. 119:62

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

The darkest hour and the hour of ghosts.

The beginning of a new day.

Georg Fink Interpretation

Dreaming about midnight, the time of deepest darkness, often indicates that difficult problems loom ahead. Midnight also conveys an image of ghosts.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Opportunity to naturally discover a deeper understanding of myself by exploring what is emerging from my unconscious awareness

Mary Summer Interpretation

refers to intense spiritual energy