Theresa Cheung Interpretation: The arrival of a letter in your dream represents a realization, usually about someone else, or news about yourself. Your reaction to the letter is important. Did you feel anxious, resigned or happy? How you opened the letter is also significant. Did you open it eagerly or did you put it aside unwilling to open it? Whenever a letter appears in your dream, your dreaming mind is telling you that something needs your attention in waking life. Dreaming about receiving letters, just as in daily life, usually represents receiving news, information or messages from someone specific, from your unconscious or from the world at large. You may be coming into greater awareness about some aspect of your life or yourself.
If your dream letters remain unopened, this may represent missed opportunities.
If the letter is black around the edges, this may refer to your feelings about death.
If the letter is from a particular person, this suggests specific feelings or thoughts concerning the person the letter is from.
If you get to read the letter in your dream, try to see if the text has any bearing on your waking life.
If the letter came from abroad, you may be thinking of traveling or are thinking of someone who lives abroad. To dream of writing a letter may tell you of the need to communicate information to someone; a dream of writing several letters may tell you that there are many people you wish to make contact with.
If you dream of sending a letter, this may be a prompt to contact the person to whom you are posting the letter or to impart information to them.
Incomprehensible or unintelligible letters may suggest frustration at being unable to solve some problem. A letter that turns out to be a blank page is a clear sign that you should stop waiting for other people to take the initiative and take the initiative yourself. An anonymous letter can be a message from your unconscious that you need to slow down and reflect on your actions in waking life. While handwriting in a dream letter can reveal personal feelings or communications, a typewritten or word-processed communication implies a more impersonal communication.
Dreams of sending a telegram may occur during times of stagnation or routine in your professional life and may serve as an urgent stimulus to change. Alternatively, dreaming of receiving a telegram may express an urgent yearning to make contact with someone. Because of their indiscreet and fun nature, dreaming of postcards may suggest that you need to be more open with those around you. According to Freud, parcels may symbolize female sexuality.
If you are excited about opening a parcel, this may suggest the heady thrill of a new relationship, but if you do not want to open a parcel, this may express a fear of intimacy with others.