Theresa Cheung Interpretation: You may have a dream in which left and right become significant.
If this is the case, bear in mind that if you are right-handed, the right hemisphere of the brain is thought to control the left side of the body and this part of the brain is instinctive, artistic and intuitive. The left side of the body therefore indicates these qualities and in dreams represents the parts of yourself that are less expressed, such as the unconscious. In right-handed people, the left hemisphere of the brain is thought to control the right side of the body, and this part of the brain is believed to be logical and functional. The right side of the body therefore represents the dominant, conscious and well-expressed side of yourself. Dreams can also use a play on what is right or left to suggest opposites or conflicts within yourself. The left usually suggests the external world of activity and the environment, whilst the right parts of your unconscious suggest struggling to express yourself. A few people might also find that in some dreams one side of their body represent the feelings and attitudes they absorbed from their mother, and the other side what they absorbed from their father.