Dream About leading

If you dreamed of not handling lead: The tendency to socialize with your colleagues or coworkers may cause problems, you may find opportunities where you can create new opportunities for yourself in terms of money. Not working with lead in your dream means that you will live by being aware of your own power and close yourself against external factors, listen to your inner voice and not be affected by the negative energies of others.

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation

(1) Bearing in mind that the T in dreams is almost invariably your conscious ego, you may be fairly sure that leading others (people or animals) in a dream means you are - or that you should be-in control of your unconscious forces; of your emotions; or of your life-situation.

(2) If in the dream you are being led, who or what is leading you? If it is a person of the opposite sex, it may be your anima / animus. If

so, you must distinguish between leading and controlling: that your anima / animus should take you by the hand and show you things you had never deigned to look at - in yourself - before, is good; but an anima / animus that wants to take over the whole psyche is overcompensating for having been neglected - so now is the time to stop neglecting it and denying it a place in your conscious life (for anima / animus, see Brother / Sister, sections (4)-(6)).

Alternatively, he, she or it could represent some (unconscious) attitude or instinctive drive. Where are you being led: towards your true self or astray?

(3) Is the leader an authority figure? If so, he or she may represent either some actual person (father, for instance) or some belief-system (a dogmatic religious or other institution) that is influencing you, perhaps to the extent of moulding you. The dream may be telling you that your life should be ruled from within, not from outside.

Martha Clarke Interpretation

To dream that you lead something shows that you are taking control of certain facets of your life. For example, if you walk a dog in the dream, it may be a reference to your sexual nature.

If you are led by someone, you must ask yourself what psychological principles you are following, and if they are leading down a good path.

The dream could represent your desires. In this sense, Eastern tradition says that a person controlled by his anxieties will never be happy. This saying comes from those who know how to direct themselves and limit their ambitions.

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

Motivation to pursue advancement. Or loneliness. Life needs to be better organized. This is a dream that almost always calls on your inner guide, or how you are guiding others. Can you lead and still let others lead you?

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Opportunity to consistently guide myself in the right direction by using my unique achievements to plan a winning strategy