Dr. Michael Lennox Interpretation: Universal Landscape: Unconscious messages not yet decipherable or understood.
Dreaming Lens: Were you speaking in a language that you don’t know? Was the language real or made up? Was someone else speaking to you? Were you witnessing a conversation between others? Were you frustrated in not being able to understand, or were you able to glean some meaning?
Personal Focus: This interpretation applies only to a language that you do not know or was created out of the dream world. If you yourself know more than one language, then dreaming in different languages is a reflection of where you are in your life and what the language in question means for you from your past.
Words are the basis of all thought and all reality. When words that you do not understand show up in a dream, the unconscious is deliberately masking some information by changing the rules. Use the Dreaming Lens to assess the height of the stakes. This would apply both to the information that is being expressed by the unconscious as well as the emotional meaning attached to your reaction to being unable to decipher any literal meaning.
If you recognize the language being spoken by virtue of sounds and cadences, then apply whatever associations you have with that culture to the Dreaming Lens. If the language is made up and you can remember any specific words, sounds, or phrases, use them in your process to see if you can draw any parallels with words you know. There may be a rhythmic or phonic connection to the nonsense words of your dream. Do not be afraid of being overly literal.
If someone else is speaking to you in the dream, then the message is coming from the deep unconscious. If you are speaking the foreign tongue yourself, it may indicate that the new information is already integrated as part of you. More investigation will likely need to be done before you will be able to understand and utilize the information being presented.
If you know more than one language, then dreaming in different languages is a reflection of where you are in your life and what the language in question means for you from your past. Words are the basis of all thought and all reality. When words that you do not understand show up in a dream, the unconscious is deliberately masking some information by changing the rules. Use the context of the dream to assess the height of the stakes. This would apply both to the information that is being expressed by the unconscious and to the emotional meaning attached to your reaction to being unable to decipher any literal meaning.
If you recognize the language being spoken by virtue of sounds and cadences, then apply whatever associations you have with that culture to the dream interpretation.
If the language is made-up and you can remember any specific words, sounds, or phrases, use them in your process to see if you can draw any parallels with words you know. There may be a rhythmic or phonic connection to the nonsense words of your dream. Do not be afraid of being overly literal.
If someone else is speaking to you in the dream, then the message is coming from the deep unconscious.
If you are speaking the foreign tongue yourself, it may indicate that the new information is already integrated as part of you. More investigation will likely need to be done before you will be able to understand and utilize the information being presented.
For example, if your family originated in Italv and vou dream in Italian, this may be a subconscious desire to learn more about your heritage.
The letters in some languages, like the Norse and Germanic runes and certain Hebraic characters, have very specific symbolic values.
For more insight, peruse a book on the appropriate language at your local library, or ask someone who is familiar with the tongue (see Pictographs).
If the language is unrecognized, write it phonetically in your journal for future reference. This may he a past life memory, a spiritual message, or a type of glossolalia (speaking in tongues) that can be interpreted later.
Communication difficulties (e.g., someone who is not “speaking your language”).
If your dream was about someone, or yourself, using foul language, this will show that you will soon find yourself in an embarrassing situation brought on by another.
If your dream was about someone, or yourself, using foul language, this will show that you will soon find yourself in an embarrassing situation brought on by another.