Theresa Cheung Interpretation: In dreams, jewels represent the qualities you value in yourself and others in waking life; they also represent the lasting and precious parts of yourself that connect you with others. Most of the time, dreams about jewels are pleasant and reassuring, as they have their basis in wish-fulfillment.
If jewelry is given to you in a dream, this is a sign of high self-esteem; loss of jewelry suggests the opposite.
If a specific item of jewelry is highlighted in your dream, your feelings about how you acquired it, from whom you acquired it and what the feelings mean to you should be your first consideration.
If the jewelry was being admired, you may be feeling pleased with yourself.
The pearl is a Freudian symbol of female sexuality, especially when seen embedded within an oyster or when adorning a woman’s neck in a pearl necklace. For Jung, pearls express a dreamer’s aspiration to purity and personal spiritual transformation. Alternatively, dreams of pearls may be highlighting a ‘pearl of wisdom’ someone has to offer, or the inner wisdom and beauty that has emerged from the trials of life.