Dream About jackal

Nancy Wagaman Interpretation: Opportunism, or ready to take advantage of an opportunity.

Scavenging, or making use of what’s available, whatever you can find, or others’ work (since jackals are scavengers).

Alone time, or contentment with being alone.

Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.

Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.

See also: Animal; Dog; Coyote

Theresa Cheung Interpretation

Similar to ‘dog’, but a wilder version. The jackal is a cunning scavenger and as a result is sometimes associated with death. It can also see in the dark and the ancient Egyptians believed the jackal to be a pathfinder in the underworld—i.e. the unconscious—leading the dead to the other world or enlightenment. Be aware too of the ‘Jackal and Hyde’ phenomenon that exists inside all of us.

Pagan - Anonymous Interpretation

The jackal, or wild dog, in your dream is a warning symbol and shows that you may be being used by a friend, or friends, to further their own careers and leave yours in the dust; such people are known as jackals because they ‘feed’ off of you.

The warning is doubled if the jackal in your dream is your dream pet, or excessively friendly.

Michael and Elizabeth Thiessen Interpretation

The jackal, or wild dog, in your dream is a warning symbol and shows that you may be being used by a friend, or friends, to further their own careers and leave yours in the dust; such people are known as jackals because they ‘feed’ off of you.

The warning is doubled if the jackal in your dream is your dream pet, or excessively friendly.

James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation

Jackals are considered negative creatures because they scavenge dead bodies. In Egyptian mythology, the jackal led souls to the land of the dead.

As a dream symbol, the jackal can signify transformation. It can also symbolize someone’s worst nightmare.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Esoterically the jackal assists in allowing us to access past lives and the astral planes.

The jackal-headed egyptian god anubis weighed the souls of the departed in the judgement hall.

It is this that gives the jackal its quality of scavenger.

Katherine Taylor Craig Interpretation

This dream denotes an enemy who will backbite and bring trouble (Gypsy). An Egyptian symbol of judgment, and of watchfulness over sacred things, it was evidently held in horror by the faiths that succeeded those of Egypt.

DreamForth Interpretation

To dream of a jackal is a symbol of influence and control. You have a habit of using others for your own benefit without any thought of their welfare.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. Being looked after, cared for.

2. Manipulation, sometimes cruelty.

3. A feeling of being taken advantage of.

4. Tenacity.

Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett Interpretation

This wild dog in your dream is telling you that you need to protect yourself from overpersuasive friends with overambitious plans.

Internet Archive - Anonymous Interpretation

Some enemy will back-bite you and cause ou trouble.

Tyler Wolfe Interpretation

A symbol of an evil scoffer, Ps. 44:19

Pamela Ball Interpretation

see Animals

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

See animals

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 10-12-13-24-31-36

attacking you: an opponent is stalking you, awaiting your weak moment.

children being with a: a loyal friend with good intentions watches you.

owning a: your tenaciousness feeds off others.

others: your cowardice wil postpone your success.

with a yellow color: wil be made to look foolish by one whose esteem you desire.

scavenging dead bodies: the transformation into your worst nightmare; seek help!

Ibn Seerin Interpretation

In a dream, a jackal represents a man who deprives people from their rights, or one who causes evil. Ajackal in a dream also could mean friendliness, or a light and fun companionship.

Towers, Jacqueline Interpretation

To see a jackal is a warning that you should not allow yourself to be talked into anything by ambitious friends.

Marsha Trimble Dunstan Interpretation

live among ruins (see Job 30:29; Isaiah 35:7; Jeremiah 9:11; 49:33; 51:37; Ezekiel 13:1-4 niv prophet who speaks out of his own imagination (see Ezekiel 13:2-3); predators; those who are cruel and haunt dark places (see Isaiah 35:7); those who feed on the spiritual death of others (see Psalm 63:10).

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Instinctive ability to transform a situation by using my natural persistence and intelligence to work my way through it

Mary Summer Interpretation

illustrates a predatory nature

Common Source

The jackal close affiliation to the wolf might reflect unconscious masculine aspects that can either be good and bad; or reflecting a person who behaves in an opportunistic way. The jackal was considered a very powerful image relating to the ancient Egyptian god Anubis – a connection with the afterlife and mummification. They are also known in our dreams to keep evil away from us.