Theresa Cheung Interpretation: In Victorian America and Europe, flowers were attributed with specific meanings by young men and women who used them during courtship to send messages to each other, whether in a forthright manner or by more clandestine means. Straightforward romantic or poetic thoughts were conveyed by the presentation of a single bloom, whilst lengthier messages were communicated by larger arrangements.
Love and happiness were not the only feelings expressed by these floral epistles. Infidelity, jealousy, disdain and rejection were also expressed by a suitably chosen bloom. Whilst a simple flower may have been sent to a young lady to propose marriage, another seemingly innocuous blossom may have been sent in response, telling the gentleman caller to ‘get lost’. The color of the flower was extremely significant; to cite a few examples, red usually meant love, yellow indicated friendship, lavender suggested enchantment, and orange fascination.
As far as dream interpretation goes, the list of meanings is seemingly endless, as nearly every flower has been attributed with a specific meaning at some point in time. In Victorian times, the range of available flowers was limited, and so certain flowers had specific meanings; today, with so many flower choices, there are no rules—it’s the sentiment and personal association that gives the flower meaning to you in a dream. For those interested in the historic or generally accepted meanings of flowers, the list below has been compiled from a variety of different sources, including the American Society of Florists.
Historic and generally accepted meanings of flowers Acacia: Concealed love, chaste love
Agapanthis: Secret love
Alstroemeria: Aspiration
Amaryllis: Pride, drama
Ambrosia: Your love is returned
Anemone: Sincerity, fragility
Apple blossom: Promises
Arbutus: Thee only do ı love
Aster: Symbol of love, daintiness, contentment
Azalea: Take care of yourself for me, abundance, symbol of womanhood (china)
Baby’s breath: Festivity
Bachelor’s button: Anticipation
Begonia: Deep thoughts
Bells of Ireland: Good luck
Bittersweet: Truth
Black-eyed Susan: Encouragement
Bluebell: Humility
Cactus: Endurance
Caladium: Great joy, delight
Camellia (general): Graciousness, good-luck gift for a man
Camellia (pink): Passionate longing
Camellia (red): A flame in the heart
Camellia (white): Admiration
Carnation (general): Fascination, women, love
Carnation (pink): Gratitude, ı’ll never forget you
Carnation (purple): Caprice, whimsy
Carnation (red): Passion, drama, admiration
Carnation (solid color): Affirmation
Carnation (striped): Refusal, sorry ı can’t be with you, wish ı could be with you
Carnation (white): Sweetness and loveliness, innocence, pure love, remembrance, woman’s good-luck gift
Carnation (yellow): Cheerful for all occasions (except in matters of the heart, when it means rejection)
Cattail: Peace, prosperity
Chrysanthemum (general): Cheerfulness, rest
Chrysanthemum (bronze): Excitement
Chrysanthemum (red): Sharing
Chrysanthemum (white): Truth
Chrysanthemum (yellow): Slighted love, secret admirer
Cosmos: Peace
Crocus: Foresight, cheerfulness, gladness
Cyclamen: Resignation, good-bye
Daffodil: Chivalry, respect, regard, unrequited love
Daisy: Innocence, loyalty, loveliness, purity
Dandelion: Faithfulness, happiness
Delphinium: Boldness
Fern: Magic, fascination, confidence, shelter
Fir: Time
Flax: Domestic symbol
Forget-me-not: True love, good memories
Forsythia: Anticipation
Freesia: Full of spirit, trust
Gardenia: Joy
Geranium: Comfort
Ginger: Pride
Gladioli: Sincerity, strength of character, flower of the gladiators
Gloxinia: Love at first sight
Heather (lavender): Admiration, solitude
Heather (white): Protection, wishes will come true
Holly: Defense, domestic happiness
Honeysuckle: Happiness
Hyacinth (general): Sincerity
Hyacinth (blue): Constancy
Hyacinth (purple): Sorrow
Hyacinth (red/pink): Play
Hyacinth (white): Loveliness
Hyacinth (yellow): Jealousy
Hydrangea: Perseverance
Iris: Inspiration
Ivy: Wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection
Jasmine: Grace and elegance
Jonquil: Desire for affection returned
Larkspur: Beautiful spirit
Lavender: Distrust
Lily (calla): Regal beauty
Lily (day): Enthusiasm, emblem for mother (china)
Lily (Eucharis): Charms
Lily (tiger): Wealth, pride
Lily (white): Virginity, purity, majesty
Lily (yellow): I’m walking on air
Lily of the valley: Sweetness, return to happiness, humility
Magnolia: Nobility
Marigold: Jealousy
Monkshood: Beware, a deadly foe is near
Moss: Maternal love, charity
Myrtle: Love, emblem of marriage
Narcissus: Egotism
Nasturtium: Conquest, victory in battle
Oleander: Caution
Orange blossom: Innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness
Orange mock: Deceit
Orchid (general): Love, beauty, refinement, symbol for many children (china)
Orchid (Cattleya): Mature charm
Palm leaves: Victory, success
Passion flower: Burning passion
Peony: Healing, happy life, happy marriage
Petunia: Resentment, anger
Pine: Hope, pity
Poppy (general): Eternal sleep, consolation, imagination
Poppy (red): Pleasure
Poppy (white): Consolation
Poppy (yellow): Wealth, success
Primrose: Longing
Primrose (evening): Inconstancy
Queen Anne’s lace: Delicate femininity
Ranunculus: Radiance
Rhododendron: Beware
Rose (bridal): Happiness, love
Rose (dark crimson): Mourning
Rose (Hibiscus): Delicate beauty
Rose (leaf): You may hope
Rose (pink): Friendship
Rose (red): Love, ı love you
Rose (tea): I’ll remember always
Rose (thornless): Love at first sight
Rose (white): Innocence and purity
Rose (white and red mixed): Unity, flower emblem of england
Rose (yellow): Decrease of love, jealousy
Rosebud (general): Beauty and youth
Rosebud (moss): Confessions of love
Rosebud (red): Pure and lovely
Rosebud (white): Girlhood
Roses (bouquet of mature blooms): Gratitude
Roses (single full bloom): I love you, ı still love you
Smilax: Loveliness
Snapdragon: Presumption
Spider flower: Run away with me
Star of Bethlehem: Hope
Statice: Success
Stephanotis: Happiness in marriage, desire to travel
Stock: Bonds of affection, you’ll always be beautiful to me
Sunflower: Pride, sunshine, adoration
Sweetpea: Shyness, thank you for a lovely time
Tulip (general): Love, flower emblem of holland
Tulip (pink): Caring
Tulip (purple): Royalty
Tulip (red): Declaration of love
Tulip (variegated): Beautiful eyes
Tulip (white): Forgiveness
Tulip (yellow): Passionate longing
Violet (general): Modesty, faithfulness
Violet (blue): Watchfulness, faithfulness, ı’ll always be true
Violet (white): Adventure, risk taking
Viscaria: Celebration
Wisteria: Welcome, steadfast
Zinnia (magenta): Lasting affection, thoughts of friends
Zinnia (mixed): Thinking (or in memory) of an absent friend
Zinnia (scarlet): Constancy
Zinnia (white): Goodness
Zinnia (yellow): Daily remembrance