If you dreamed of Ironing a Blue T-Shirt: You are at a time of emotional manipulation, but the situation may be better in terms of investments, You are the one who will decide who you want to spend time with or what kind of help you can give. Ironing a blue t-shirt in a dream indicates that the dreamer will lose his self-confidence due to the negative events he has experienced and therefore he will be unhappy, he will hinder himself and he must fix this situation as soon as possible. It is judged that he will reach his goals easily and make investments for the future by making agreements with powerful people in the business field in order to remove the obstacles.
It is an expression that the goals that have been suspended due to some negativities will reappear, and that the person will renew his hope with positive developments about the issues that he has been hopeless for a while. It signifies that agreements will be made with strong people in the business field to remove obstacles, and that the goals will be easily achieved without encountering insurmountable problems. It indicates that the dreamer, who acts by predicting the future, will make very profitable deals, thereby improving his current financial situation.