Dream About intimacy with an unlikely partner

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

An intimate partner in your dream is not a direct representation of that person in waking life. Instead, they are your dreaming brain’s way of characterizing particular qualities. A dream lover is often someone who you know in waking life and believe to possess a specific quality. They might also be a composite of a number of people that you have identified as having that characteristic quality. An unlikely partner in a dream indicates an opportunity to develop a particular talent that may seem unfamiliar to you. Whatever quality you associate most with that person is the quality that you now have the opportunity to use in a positive and healthy manner. Consider the quality that you associate most with your dream partner. If, for example, they are brimming with confidence, aspire to have more confidence in your own talents and experiences in your day-to-day activities. Ask yourself how you might use that talent to make the most of an opportunity. As well as creating dreams in which you are being intimate with an unlikely partner, you may also dream of having sex in an unusual place. While the first symbolizes a particular quality, the unfamiliar location reflects a particular situation.