Dream About instruments

myjellybean Interpretation: If you play the musical instrument you dreamed of, your mind is simply practising your skill while you sleep! If you don’t play a musical instrument in real life, a dream of playing one forecasts a sudden and surprising change in your lifestyle.

A broken musical instrument is a warning to guard your health; to break a string on an instrument while playing predicts a broken love affair.

A dream of putting new strings on an instrument foretells that good news is coming. Carrying a musical instrument is a sign of success with the opposite sex.

Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett Interpretation

Medical instruments indicate family quarrels; other types of instruments signify family unity.

For Musical Instruments see under that heading or under separate listing, as Piano, Violin, etc.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

See music / rhythm, musical instruments and surgery / surgical instruments

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 12-21-22-29-39-42

of: wil make an advantageous marriage.

medical: warning of dangerous situation created by own family.

nautical: request aid in resolving the effects of your mistakes.

surgical: wil endure pain securing aid when you need it most.

using: must expect dissension within the family.

various other kinds of: big reunion of the family.

Towers, Jacqueline Interpretation

If the instruments are of a medical kind, this foretells of family quarrels, whereas if they are of any other type, you can look forward to family unity.

Common Source

For the most part musical instruments mirror hope and pleasure in your life or foreshadows positive events, happiness, and harmony.