Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If you are in a committed relationship and dreamt of sleeping with someone else’s husband or wife or someone who is sexually off limits, such as a cousin or your doctor, remember that the message from your unconscious may not have been that you desire that person, although this is a possible interpretation, but that you would like to have a closer emotional connection to them.
If you wake from such a dream with feelings of remorse, perhaps you have been unfaithful or less than honest with your partner in other ways. It is also worth bearing in mind when trying to interpret dreams that depict you making love to someone who plays a major, but definitely nonsexual, part in your life that your unconscious may simply be reflecting your waking preoccupation with them at the same time that you are becoming sexually aroused. So if you dreamt of making love to your unattractive boss, it may simply have been a coincidence that they stepped into the lover role in your dreams.