Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Black or dark horse: Passions that have not been acknowledged; fear of the unknown or threatening changes.
Blinkered horse: Not allowing yourself to see what is happening around you; anxiety and worries about life. Controlling the horse, or fear of it: Trying to control your feelings of passion and sexuality. These natural drives can motivate you or drag you along unwillingly.
Dead horse: Serious loss of energy or motivation which could lead to illness or depression; an old and dying set of habits and motivations or way of life.
Falling off horse: A sign that you are relating badly to your basic urges and needs.
If you continue to deny these, poor health could be the unwelcome result.
Grooming and caring for a horse: Taking care of your basic needs such as food, shelter and sex.
Horse and carriage: The natural processes of life that carry you from birth to old age; natural forces that can move you forward either from within or as natural events.
Horse dragging the dreamer along: Impetuosity of feelings; feelings dragged along by natural urges.
Horse being playful or affectionate: Feelings of warmth and strength from within.
Horse race: The events of everyday life and your relationship with people; everyday competition and where you rate yourself in the race; what happens in the race shows how you are relating to opportunities or how you feel about your accomplishments.
Horse running freely: Allowing your emotions or sexuality free rein; a symbol of the love of life.
Horse unwilling to move or carry: Your dreaming mind is telling you that you are uncertain about the direction in which you are trying to go.
Mare: Symbol of femininity, receptiveness and fertility.
Newborn horse or pony: Symbol of refreshing energy or new motivations.
Old or worn-out horse: Current state of your feelings. You may be feeling worn out or overworked, or feel that a particular relationship has run its course.
Riding or leading horse easily: A symbol of a good relationship between your personality and your instinctive drives.
Running away from a horse or from charging cavalry: Fear of sexuality, including anxieties towards the responsibilities of parenthood and relationships; you may be avoiding the need to direct or control your feelings and urges.
Sick or dying horse: loss of health, energy and enthusiasm for life.
Stallion: Symbol of masculinity, power and virility.
Strange or unknown horse or horseman/woman: Message from the unconscious; a new opportunity or event.
Struggling to control the horse: Fighting your urges and natural drives. You may be having problems controlling your emotions or sexuality.
Tied-up horse: A symbol of inhibition. Your dreaming mind may be telling you that it is time to release your feelings and give free rein to your creativity.
Training a horse: This suggests that you are learning to direct your sexual and emotional energy.
Uneasy on ride: If this image appears in your dreams you may feel as if you are being taken for a ride or feel that your emotions are taking over your life.
White horse: An image of transformation or meeting with an expanded awareness of ourselves.
Winged horse: Shows how you can rise above your basic needs and urges to discover awareness and fulfillment beyond personal memories and experience.
Working horse: The energy or motivation needed to work. The condition of the horse will tell you how you feel about yourself in relation to your work. Do you feel you are only a workhorse or that you are being treated as such?