Dream About hollow

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- Dreaming of feeling hollow connects with our feelings of emptiness, lack of purpose and inability to find a direction in our lives.

To dream of being in a hollow would indicate that we need some kind of protection from what is going on around us in our ordinary everyday life.

Hollowness can come across in a dream in several ways. We can be conscious of our being hollow inside for instance, ‘it felt as though I had hollow legs’, or that we are in a hollow state - a state similar to the void (see Abyss). We are in a position where nothing is happening, where we do not feel in control and need to take control of the space we have been given.

3- Hollowness can indicate a lack of motivation, particularly on our spiritual journey.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Hollowness can come across in a dream in several ways. We can be conscious that we are in a hollow state – reaching an understanding of the abyss or void, or of being hollow inside – devoid of emotion. We are in a position where nothing is happening, where we do not feel in control and need to reassert our control of the scope we have been given.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: Dreaming of feeling hollow connects with our feelings of emptiness, lack of purpose and inability to find a direction in our lives.

To dream of being in a hollow in a field would indicate that we need some kind of protection from what is going on around us in our ordinary everyday life.

James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation

Something that is hollow retains the outer form, but is missing the core, the substance.

A dream about a hollow object can reflect a feeling that despite the fact that everything is outwardly okay, something essential is missing.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream hollowness may simply be highlighting her ability to be pregnant. In a man’s dream hollowness may signify a sense of inadequacy.

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation

A hollow place or object (box, bag, etc.) may represent vagina or womb and symbolize either sexuality; or your mother; or (if very deep / dark) your unconscious.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Any hollow article tends to represent the feminine. Hollowness can indicate a lack of motivation, particularly on our spiritual journey.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Feeling of emptiness in one’s life; womb feeling or memories, feelings about the vagina.

See hole.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

No substance; empty promise; see “macaroni”

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

See Empty, Hole and Death.

Marsha Trimble Dunstan Interpretation

without substance (see Colossians 2:8).

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Situation where I can succeed by going deeper into my ideas and experience instead of thinking I have no talent inside me

Mary Summer Interpretation

illustrates a lack of depth; a shallow attitude or concept

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Feeling of emptiness in one’s life; womb feeling or memories; feelings about the vagina. See hole.