If you dreamed that your father died and went to heaven: you can deal with money matters jointly, you can take steps that are not actually required by the situation due to your experiences. To see that his father died and went to heaven in a dream, this dream indicates goodness and beauty. It is pointed out that people whose fathers have died have a good life in the hereafter, and that these people did good deeds in the sight of Allah while they were in this world, and they will receive their reward. Seeing deceased family elders in heaven in a dream indicates happiness, comfort and peaceful living, a healthy life.
It is a very beautiful and auspicious dream, and it is interpreted that the graves of those whose father has passed away are in peace, that they will attain the goodness of their hereafter and Paradise. To see the deceased elders in heaven means to find peace, to be exempt from troubles, to attain every wish in a long life to be spent in good health and without getting sick.