Dream About high hill mountain flying

Tony Crisp Interpretation:

above What is superior or has a wider view or possibility than our present standpoint; sense of inferiority in relationship to what is above us; what we strive for. If we are standing above or high up: having a wider viewpoint; being intellectual; feeling superior or in a position of advantage. Idioms: above all; above and beyond; above asking; above oneself; aboveboard; above one’s station; risen above oneself. See . adjacent, adjoining Suggests a strong connection with the dreamer, or what is wanted or being worked toward. For instance, in Japan, rocks or trees that are close together are sometimes seen as married or linked. Dreams use the same sort of symbology to suggest a more than surface connection with someone or some aspect of life. There could also be the suggestion of confrontation or discovery—being near something, in this case, meaning that we can no longer escape meeting it, or it is near at hand—in the sense of being discovered or experienced. behind The past; what you have chosen to or want to forget—left behind; what one is unaware of—as talk behind one’s back; what has been learned or dealt with. People behind dreamer: taking the lead in relationships; being decisive. Idioms: behind the scenes; behind the time; fall behind; put something behind me. below Something you feel is “beneath you”; what is “below” in the body—so the nonintellectual aspects of self; something one can now look back on from a detached viewpoint. If below something else, see above. Idioms: beneath my contempt; it’s below my standards. beside See adjacent, adjoining above. close Intimacy; being made aware of; what one feels connected with or has ties with; near to, in the sense of making a decision—near to leaving home; close to, as “close to finding the solution”; a situation that is near at hand or being confronted or realized now. Idioms: at close quarters; closefisted; close on; close to home; that was close. distant Barely conscious of; a longtime off; something one does not identify with strongly. in front The future, what is seen and understood; what is being confronted. opposite Meeting or “facing” a situation; opposition or resistance to decided direction. side Supportive feelings, as “by one’s side”; as well as; indication of choice, as “what side are you on?” or “who’s on my side?” Idioms: from all sides; let the side down; on every side; on the wrong side of thirty; on the right/wrong side; on the side; pass by on the other side; pick sides; put to one side; side by side; side with somebody; take sides; take to one side; the other side—death; safe side; bit on the side; seamy side. See adjacent, adjoining above.