Dream About hanging or hanged

Gillian Holloway Interpretation: If anyone dreams that by sentence or judgment he was condemned to be hanged, and dreams also that the sentence was really executed, he will be dignified according to the height of the gibbet or tree whereon he was hanged But if the dreamer be sick or afflicted, he will be freed from his disease, and in the end have joy and contentment If anyone dreams he condemned another to be hanged, that signifies he will be angry with him whom he imagined he condemned, but in a smaJl time after he will place him in honor and dignity, which he will abuse. According to the interpretations of the Persians and the Egyptians, he that dreams he is hanged by sentence of law, wilt be rich, honored, and respected.

If anyone dreams that he has eaten the flesh of a man hanged, he wall be enriched by some person, but it will be by some foul practice and some secret crime» If anyone dreams that, being about to be hanged, he was delivered, and came down to the bottom of the gibbet, that person will lose his estate and dignity.