Ian Wallace Interpretation:
Dream: You see something pale and white sticking out of a dark mound of earth and as you get closer to it, you are horrified to realize that you have stumbled upon a dead body. Even though you weren’t involved in the death of the person, you feel extremely guilty and want to cover up the body somehow. As you try to bury it, you may find a number of other bodies previously interred in a mass grave. You hurry up and attempt to conceal the grave so you can escape before attracting any attention.
Meaning: When you dream about buried corpses you are usually considering your hidden abilities and thinking about how you can use them to bring a particular plan into life. Stumbling upon a dead body suggests that you have a unique ability that you have abandoned in the past. Although you thought your chance to use this talent was dead and buried, a new opportunity in your waking life has caused it to surface again, bringing it back out into the open. Even though it seemed inevitable, given your circumstances at the time, you still feel guilty about abandoning your most cherished hopes and dreams. This feeling of guilt and regret often makes you want to continue to cover up your talents. You may have initially abandoned your particular creative passion in order to meet the expectations of other people. This was probably done in the shallow hope that they might accept and appreciate you, but all you have done is kill off your passionate creativity and conceal it superficially. What you are now uncovering is the embodiment of your unique talents and you have the opportunity to resurrect your ambitions. If you dream that you caused the death of the person, it was you who made the choice to abandon your talent. Dreaming of uncovering multiple bodies in a mass grave suggests you may have multiple opportunities to express your talents as part of a team.
Action: This dream is drawing your attention to your need to resurrect your neglected talent and bring it back to life. You unconsciously know that you are in grave danger of abandoning something that makes your life worth living, but you are consciously choosing to do this in the hope that you will fit in with other people and be accepted by them. No matter how deeply you try and conceal your unique abilities, they just refuse to lie down and will keep surfacing at inopportune moments. Rather than feeling guilty about your individual talents, try breathing some new life into them.
Background: Although most of us rarely encounter a lifeless body, the majority of our more popular stories involve murders and corpses, and the mysteries surrounding their demise. In these stories, one party is usually trying to conceal the body while the other is trying to find it and establish the cause of the death. This classic tale of the whodunnit resonates with our guilt at concealing our talents and our efforts to find out why we have ignored them. Although it may be a cliché that the culprit is usually the butler, we often neglect our own needs while trying to serve the needs of other people.