Dream About good luck superstition

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Good luck superstitions have been around for centuries and vary from culture to culture. Here are some of the most common and their appearance in your dream can, depending on the context and mood of the dream, be a positive sign: Fingers Crossed. Knock on wood. Sneezing three times before breakfast.

Meeting three sheep. Looking at the new moon over your right shoulder. A four-leaved clover. Spilling wine while proposing a toast. Putting a dress on inside out. Nine peas in a peapod. Hearing crickets singing. Picking up a pin. Dropping a glove. A horseshoe. Peacock feathers. Cutting your hair during a storm. Sleeping facing south. White heather. Picking up a pencil in the street. Breaking clear and uncolored glass. Walking in the rain. Sleeping on un-ironed sheets. Avoiding cracks in the sidewalk. An itch on the top of your head. Scissors hanging on a hook. A ladybird on you. Carrying an acorn on your person will ensure good luck and longevity! Picking up a piece of coal that has fallen in your path. Black cat. To have one’s garments caught up by a bush or briar when out walking promises monetary gain.

New enterprises will be fortunate if begun at the time of the new Moon. You meet the same person twice when out on business. Dolphins swimming near a ship. A naked woman on board a boat is said to calm the seas. Setting out to play golf on a rainy day. Rabbit’s foot.

See a penny, pick it up.