Dream About good deeds

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Positive experiences are usually less common in dreams than negative experiences; but when they do appear, their purpose is to compensate, inspire, encourage and motivate.

According to Jung, dreams are a compensation for what is going on in daily life. They can serve as a positive or negative compensation. In this way they attempt to balance the psyche. For example, if you experience unhappiness in daily life, you may have a positive, uplifting dream of happiness and contentment. There may also be an element of wish-fulfillment. For example, if you are in financial trouble in your waking life, you may have an exciting dream about winning the lottery.

As well as serving a compensatory or wish-fulfillment function, your dreaming mind may conjure up images of courage, bravery or tenderness in dreams to highlight the need for you to be equally courageous, brave or tender in your waking life. Dreams that feature kindness, love, goodness and purity also highlight qualities that you might want to consider nurturing within yourself.

And if you see yourself acting like a saint or a hero in your dreams, the message may be that if you follow the example set in your dream you may find a way to overcome obstacles that are holding you back so you can move forward in certain areas of your life.