Dream About giant ogre

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: An encounter with a giant or ogre in your dream suggests an uphill struggle in waking life. The giant or ogre may also be a symbol of insecurity or feeling small, perhaps reminding you of your childhood when adults seemed huge. Maybe you had a dream in which you were running as fast as you could from an ogre, a hideous giant-like being who seemed intent on devouring you.

If you had a nightmare like this, it could represent your father or some other figure of masculine authority, such as a demanding teacher. On the other hand, a dream giant may represent spiritual or physical power. A giant among men in your dream may be a guide who comes to give you spiritual insight.

Not all giants are ogres, and maybe you dreamed of being rescued from the ogre’s clutches by a gentle giant, perhaps another influential figure in your life who you respect for their moral courage. Any towering presence in your dreams tends to represent either something that poses a problem to you, or someone whose power makes you feel protected, or small and helpless.