Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Some believe that the ghosts in their dreams are real representations of the dead. This is an unlikely explanation of such dreams. More likely, to dream of the ghost of someone who is departed represents a part of you that is unclear and that you do not understand. Ghosts can also be all that you have left of loved ones who are no longer alive, so they can offer you comfort by appearing in your dreams, representing a welcome opportunity to speak once again to that special person and to come to terms with the fact that they are gone. To dream of the ghost of someone who has died might also represent something that you wanted that is no longer in your reach. This dream is telling you to move on. Another explanation is that your unconscious was pointing out an uncomfortable truth that your conscious mind is working hard to repress, just as the ghost of his father appeared to Shakespeare’s Hamlet to tell him something that he may already have known—that his father was murdered by Hamlet’s new stepfather.
To dream of touching a ghost and having it disappear indicates that you are trying to confront and come to terms with painful memories. Demonic ghost images with no face or dark shadows (’dementors’, if you are a Harry Potter fan) may represent your negative tendencies, unpleasant parts of personality or your ’shadow’. Old superstition-based dream interpretations say that dreaming of friendly ghosts is a lucky omen, and that you should be receiving unexpected good luck. On the other hand, if you were very frightened by the ghost in your dream, then others will try to impose their will on you and you must be vigilant in order to stand up to it.