Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- Playing a game in our dream indicates that we are taking note of how we play the game of life.
If we are playing well we may- take it that we are coping well with circumstances in our lives.
If we are playing badly we may need to reassess our abilities and identify which skills we need to improve in order to do things better. Games and gambling can also represent not taking life seriously. They can show how we work within the competitive field and give us some kind of insight into our own sense of winning or losing.
3- Specific games such as football, baseball, rugby and cricket which arc team games represent for many the strong ability to identify with a ‘tribe’ or a group of people. Because they are mock fights they can be used as expressions of aggression against other people, in the way that wars and tribal localised fights were used previously. They indicate the way in which we gain identity and how we connect with people. In dreams, games which require the power of thought and strategy such as chess or draughts - often give some idea of how we should be taking a situation forward (see Chess). Decisions may need to be made where we have to gauge the result of our action and lake into account our opponent’s reaction.
To dream of gambling indicates that we may need to look at something in our lives that is figuratively a gamble; we may need to lake risks, but in such a way that we have calculated the risks as best we can.
3- Ritualised fighting between two opposing forces.