Dream About gale hurricane

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: In both the real world and in dreamland, gales and high winds suggest potential disaster. Your dreaming mind may be warning you that someone’s pent-up emotion is about to burst out of control; that person could be you. Or has a situation reached a crisis point? A tornado or hurricane is an even stronger image of feeling powerless against violent and chaotic emotions. The image of a hurricane or tornado flattening houses or hurtling cars in the air may suggest the frailty of the material world or reflect your own feelings of insecurity

A dream whirlwind has a different message, as it suggests confusion or a romance that may be about to completely change your life. An argument with a loved one may turn into a dream storm or hurricane, but your dream may contain clues for avoiding the worst of the storm. For example, the sun may have shone through, you may have found shelter or a gentle breeze may have lifted your spirits.

If you lost your struggle against the wind, this indicates that you feel as if you are being forced to go along with others.

If you enjoyed being carried along by gusts of wind, this may suggest a longing for adventure, unpredictability and freedom from responsibility.