Dream About furniture furnishings

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- “fhe furniture which appears in our dreams, particularly if it is drawn to our attention, often shows how we feel about our family and home life, and what attitudes or habits we have developed. It also can give an indication as to how we feel about ourselves.

For instance, dark heavy material would suggest the possibility of depression, whereas brightly painted objects could testify to an upbeat mentality.

2- Sometimes the furniture which appears in a dream can highlight our need for security or stability; particularly if it is recognisable from the past.

Different articles can represent different attitudes:

Bed/mattress This can show exactly what is happening in the subtle areas of our close relationships. We can get an insight into how we really feel about intimacy; and sexual pleasure.

For some people the bed is a place of sanctuary and rest, where they can be totally alone. Carpet Often when carpets appears in a dream we are looking at our emotional links with finance.

The colour of the carpet should also be noted (see Colour). Chair A chair can indicate that we need a period of rest and recuperation. We may need to deliberately take time out, to be open to other opportunities and openings.


Cupboards and wardrobes may depict those things we wish to keep hidden, but may also depict how we deal with the different roles we must play in life. Table For a table to appear in a dream is often to do with communal activity; and with one’s social affiliations (also see individual entry and Altar).

3- Revered objects.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: The furniture that appears in our dreams, particularly if it is drawn to our attention, often shows how we feel about our family and home life, and what attitudes or habits we have developed. It also can give an indication as to how we feel about ourselves.

For instance, dark, heavy material would suggest the possibility of depression, whereas brightly painted objects could testify to an upbeat mentality. Broken furniture or that which breaks as we use it can indicate a lack of security and support, or fears about the future.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Attitudes or habits developed from family or home life, especially if it is a piece of furniture from family home or past dwelling, the attitudes, beliefs we ‘fur­nish’ our mind with, notions about self; self image.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Sometimes the furniture that appears in a dream can highlight our need for security or stability, particularly if it is recognizable from the past.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Furniture usually symbolizes our inheritance or revered objects. It also reflects our ‘inner landscape’, that part of ourselves to which we retire when seeking sanctuary.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Attitudes or habits developed from family or home life, especially if it is a piece of furniture from family home or past dwelling; the attitudes, beliefs we “furnish” our mind with; notions about self; self-image. bed Bed is an important symbol to understand. It often shows exactly what you are doing in the subtle areas of your relationship; intimacy; sexual pleasure; rest; the holy place in which you meet yourself and/or another person deeply; a desire to get away from the world, to withdraw into oneself; passivity; sensual rather than sexual contact; sickness; healing rest; privacy; the testing place of the relationship. Sometimes it represents sleep and meeting your unconscious—or torture, because in bed we may be tortured by insomnia, worries, physical pain. Also our life situation—you’ve made your bed, now lie on it. Bed is one of the most common symbols in dreams. Idioms: bed of nails; bed of roses; go to bed with; make one’s bed and lie on it; test bed. carpet Sometimes depicts your financial state, bare floorboards being poverty; can be the color or design that are important; comfort or lack of it in life—do you feel satisfied with self; a coverup; feeling of being walked on. Idioms: sweep something under the carpet; on the carpet; roll out red carpet; rug pulled out from under one’s feet. chair Passivity; relaxed attitude; inactivity; receptivity or openness; escapism; rest; waiting. Placing of chair in group: sense of status. Wheelchair: an invalid situation; a sense of weakness. If pushing someone else: seeing self as carrying a weak person. closet cupboard, wardrobe Memory; resources; different roles you play or attitudes and emotions expressed if wardrobe; hidden memories and emotions, such as skeleton in the cupboard; womb. Open, closed, or trapped in cupboard: whether we are “open or closed” to other people; trapped in old feelings; sense of isolation. mattress See bed above. rug See carpet above. table Social connection with others; communal activity; everyday certainties that support your activities, such as confidence you will get paid at the end of the week; your attitude toward the inner and exterior community; an area of work or expression; an altar, or selfgiving—if table is bare, perhaps not giving much of self. Quality of table: the quality of your relationship with others. Place at table: self-image of your status. Dressing table: one’s attempts to create a good social image. Idioms: lay your cards on the table; tabling a motion; table talk; table-hopping.