Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Dreams of fostering and adoption suggest a new approach to life, or taking on the responsibility of someone, or something, that needs your care and help to grow.
If you fostered or adopted a baby in your dream, did you welcome the child into your home with love and gratitude? If you are thinking about adopting or fostering, your dream could reflect your feelings about this, but if this isn’t in your plans, the dream may be showing you how satisfying it can be to offer love and guidance to someone who needs your care. Do you need to find an outlet for your urge to love and nurture selflessly in waking life? This doesn’t have to be a child, but perhaps a partner, a pet, a friend, a project or a charity.
If you dreamed of fostering or adopting someone you know in waking life, perhaps you long to lavish attention on that particular person.