Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Should you find yourself visiting, observing, holidaying or living in a foreign country in your dreams, your dream is placing the spotlight on attitudes and emotional climates that are different to yours.
Such dreams can also represent meeting an aspect of yourself that is unknown or foreign; the unfamiliar.
If you feel contented in your dream, this suggests excitement about new opportunities in waking life. If, however, you feel insecure and vulnerable, and long to return to the familiar, this is widely interpreted by both Freudians and Jungians as a desire to return to the security of the womb in times of difficulty.
Your associations, beliefs or opinions about a certain country also need to be explored. Do any aspects of your life connect with what appears in the dream? For example, have you previously visited or worked in the country featured in your dream or do you know someone who lives there? What is the main action in the dream, and what is your role in it? Are you meeting things— perhaps for the first time—that you fear in your dream; how do they make you feel? What are the symbols in the dream and can you make any connections with your waking circumstances? See also PLACES; TRAVEL.
Depth Psychology: Dreaming about being in a foreign country might mean that a situation, a person, a project, or one of your own character traits has not yet been acknowledged; you are still trying to figure things out. Maybe the dream refers to a past travel experience?
See abroad.
see Places
Different attitude; different mental or emotional “climate” than one’s norm; sometimes represents meeting an aspect of oneself that was previously unconscious, so unknown or foreign; the unfamiliar. One’s personal associations or ideas about any particular country need to be explored. Use the questions in processing your dreams.