Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- To dream of a flock for instance of birds or sheep is to recognise the need to belong to a group, to have a common aim or way of being.
2- When we dream of belonging to a group, our personal behaviour can quite often be different from that of others, and we may be alerted to this by dreaming of a flock.
3- A flock can be symbolic of our spiritual beliefs, and our faith in that what we are following is the correct path.
See Bird and Fly
A flock of animals may symbolize great property and wealth, Prov. 27:23
Group of people, usually religious; research accordingly
See group
people (see Ezekiel 34:17; Micah 2:12); part of the “fold” (see Habakkuk 3:17); possessions (see Proverbs 27:23).
God’s people (see Psalm 77:20; 78:52; Isaiah 40:11); easily led (see Psalm 80:1).
Ability to draw the attention of other people to their collective purpose so we can work together in a harmonious and aligned way
cautions against a lack of individualized thought