Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If you have dreams that involve uncontrollable trembling, fits or fever, such dream can be alarming but in general suggest that you are worrying more than you need to about trifling affairs or matters of little consequence, whilst the important things slip by unnoticed. You should try to relax and cultivate more interests. On the other hand, are you in a fever of excitement about something or someone? To dream that you are insane or mad, and unable to perform everyday tasks reflects an unjustified humiliation from the past or an embarrassing moment from the present that is unsettling you. Being mad or irrational in a dream, or meeting a mad person may also indicate that you are facing urges or emotions that feel threatening or that you cannot control properly.
If you are confronted by a mad man or woman, this can indicate a part of yourself that you have not integrated successfully.
If you are that mad person, then are you feeling threatened by the irrational parts of your personality or do you sense that you don’t fit in with your social group? Occasionally, you may experience a trembling or wave sensation when you awake, especially when you are aroused quickly from deep sleep; although disconcerting, this is usually the result of temporary confusion between the sleeping and waking worlds that should pass without need for concern. If, however, this occurs on a regular basis and you feel faint and dizzy when you get up, it might be wise to have a check-up with your doctor to rule out problems with your blood pressure.